下面是CIC官网解释了Verification of Status(VOS)的用途以及它能代替(不是取代!)的文件
A Verification of Status document will contain information that appeared on your original Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence, Work Permit, Study Permit or other immigration documents. This document can be used when you must provide proof of historical immigration information, such as the date and place of entry to Canada.
You may obtain a VOS document outlining the pertinent historical information for the following:
- Certificate of Departure (IMM 0056)
- Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000)/Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688)
- Visitor Record (IMM 1097 or IMM 1442)
- Work Permit (IMM 1102 or IMM 1442)
- Study Permit (IMM 1208 or IMM 1442)
- Exclusion Order (IMM 1214)
- Deportation Order (IMM 1215)
- Departure Order (IMM 5238)
- Permit to Come Into or Remain in Canada (IMM 1263)
- Authorization to Return to Canada (IMM 1203)
- Protected Persons
IMM5292 |
IMM1000 |
以PR的移民纸来说(Confirmation of Permanent Residence(COPR)or record of landing),Date of Entry就是报到成为PR的日子,这个日子只有移民纸才会有,其他文件都不会有这项资讯。所以申请VOS就是为了那个日期。
二:知道了VOS的用途, 那要如何申请?
基本上只需要填一张申请表IMM5009, 证件复印件, 费用($30)
- IMM5009
Part A - 个人详细信息
问题1、Client ID number/UCI - 填写你的Client ID编号或UCI,如果你知道的话。否则留空。
问题2、Surname(Family name) on entry - 填写入境加拿大时的姓氏
问题3、Given name(s) on entry - 填写入境加拿大时的名字
问题4、Current surname (if different from name on entry) - 如果现在的姓氏与入境时所用不一样,填写你当前的姓氏
问题5、Current given name (if different from name on entry) - 如果现在的名字与入境时所用不一样,填写你当前的名字
问题6、Gender (F-female/M-Male) - 勾选你的性别(女/男)
问题7、Date of birth:YYYY-MM-DD - 填写你的出生日期,以下列格式填写:年-月-日
问题8、Place of birth(City,state/province and country or territory) - 填写你的出生地,包含城市、州/省和国家/地区
问题9、Citizenship - 填写你当前的公民身份。是某个国家的公民,即 你在哪个国家出生(大多数情况下如此)或你在那个国家被授予公民身份。如果你有双重国籍(公民身份),选择你入境时所有的那个护照或旅行文件的签发国家。
问题10、Passport number Indicate if: - 勾选入境时所用护照 或者 当前护照
- On entry - 入境时所用的护照。填写入境加拿大时所用的护照编号。如果入境时没有护照,提供旅行文件编号
- Current - 勾选当前护照,并填写编号
问题11、Date of issue - YYYY-MM-DD - 填写问题10中所勾选的护照的签发日期,格式为年-月-日
问题12、Expiry date - YYYY-MM-DD - 填写问题10中所勾选的护照的失效日期,格式为年-月-日
问题13、Marital status on entry - 首次入境加拿大的婚姻状态:(勾选适用于你的选项)
- Never married - 未婚:是指从没有结过婚并且不是同居伴侣关系
- Married - 已婚:是指你和你的配偶举行仪式,并且其对双方具有法律约束力。结婚必须被所在国家和加拿大法律上认可。
- Widowed - 丧偶:是指你的配偶已经去世,并且你没有再婚或处于同居状态
- Separated - 分居:是指已经结婚,但是正式不再和配偶一起居住
- Divorced - 离异:是指正式分居并且婚姻关系从法律上来说已经结束
- Common-law partner - 同居:是指和你的伴侣以同居伴侣关系一起居住至少一年
If you are married, is your spouse a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? - Yes/No - 如果你首次入境加拿大时已婚,接下来选择结婚对象是否是加拿大公民或加拿大永久居民
问题14、Language of correspondence - 填写希望使用的通信语言(英语或法语)
问题15、Current mailing address - 填写当前邮寄地址:
- P.O. box - 邮局(P.O.)邮箱号码
- Apt./Unit - 公寓/楼宇的地址
- Street no. - 街道号
- Street name - 街道名称
- City/Town - 市/镇
- Country or territory - 国家/地区
- Province/State - 省/州
- Postal code - 邮编
- District - 区
问题16、Rdsidential address Same as mailing address? - Yes/No - 如果居住地址与当前邮寄地址不同,填写当前居住地址。
问题17、Telephone no. - 勾选你的电话号码是属于美/加还是其他国家/地区的
- Canada/US - 美/加
- Other - 其他国家/地区
Type - 类型。选择你的电话号码是否属于你的住宅、手机或办公电话号码。
- Residence - 住宅
- Cellular - 手机
- Business - 办公
Country Code - 电话号码所在国家/地区
问题18、Alternate Telephone no. - (勾选是否有备选电话号码)
问题19、E-mail address:(Indicating an e-mail address will authorize all correspondence, including file and personal information, to be sent to the e-mail address you specify.) - 填写电子邮件地址,代表你授权Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada发送你的文件和个人信息到这个特定电子邮件地址。应确保你的电子邮件地址在你的申请处理期一直有效。注意:email一定要提供, 使用email可以让IRCC透过email 回复申请人, 提供PDF, 第一降低邮寄风险, 第二节省去邮递延迟, 第三你有了PDF爱印几张就印几张
Part B - Documets Requested - B部分:所要求的文件
问题1、What type of request are you making? - 勾选相应的选框以表明你所请求的类型:
- Verification of Status - 身份确认
- Replacement of a valid temporary resident document - 有效的临时居民文件替换
问题2、Immigration document
Date of Issue: YYYY-MM-DD
- 如果你第一次以加拿大永久居民身份入境(登陆移民),填写签发日期,年-月-日
- 如果你首次以加拿大临时居民身份(劳工、访客、学生)或以难民申请人身份入境,填写移民文件上的日期,年-月-日
问题3、Canadian port of entry - Place of issue - 填写入境口岸名字或文件签发地的名字。如果是永久居民,填写授予身份的地点。
问题4、Indicate for which of the following you need a replacement copy or a Verification of Status document. If you have more than on valid temporary resident document, indicate the document ID number or if unknown, the document issue and expiry date of the requested document.
- 指出你需要下列哪个身份文件的替换副本或确认。如果你持有不止一份有效的临时居民文件,指出文件编号。如果不清楚,指出所要求文件的签发和失效日期。
- 如果你要求替换临时居民文件,仅可以申请有效的工作许可、学习许可或进入或留在加拿大许可。仅在临时居民文件还没有过期的情况下才会签发替换文件。
注意:如果你不通过提供文件编号 或 文件签发、失效日期来指出需要哪个有效的临时居民文件,IRCC将会签发给你最近一次所签发的临时居民文件。任何针对其他有效的临时居民文件的请求必须以新申请表提交并支付费用。
- Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing - Confirmation of Permanent Residence - 移民签证和登陆记录 - 永久居民确认文件
- Exclusion Order - 排除令
- Departure Order - 离境令
- Authorization to Return to Canada - 授权返回加拿大
- Permit to Come Into or Remain in Canada - Temporary Resident Permit - 准许进入或留在加拿大
- Protected Person - 受保护人士
- Work Permit - 工作许可
- ID No. - ID 号
OR - 或者
- Issue Date AND - 签发日期 以及
- Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD) - 失效日期(年-月-日)
- Study Permit - 学习许可
- ID No. - ID 号
OR - 或者
- Issue Date AND - 签发日期 以及
- Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD) - 失效日期(年-月-日)
- Visitor Record - 访客记录
- ID No. - ID 号
OR - 或者
- Issue Date AND - 签发日期 以及
- Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD) - 失效日期(年-月-日)
问题5、Was your original immigration document - 你的原始移民文件:
- Lost - 丢失
- Stolen - 被盗
- Destroyed - 损坏
- Other - 其他情况
Provide details. If the document was a valid temporary resident document and was lost or stolen, indicate the police report number. If you do not have a police report number, please provide a brief explanation in the space provided. - 提供详情。如果你的是有效的临时居民文件,并且丢失或被盗,提供警方报告编号。如果你没有警方编号,在下方空框内请提供简要说明。
问题6、If you are requesting a Verification of Status of an Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing/Confirmation of Permanent Residence have you applied for it before? - Yes/No
If yes, when did you apply? - 如果勾选了Yes, 何时申请的?
YYYY-MM-DD (年-月-日)
问题7、If you are applying for a Verification of Status of an Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing/Confirmation of Permanent Residence and you are not a Canadian citizen, have you, since your admission to Canada as a permanent resident, been covicted of a crime or offence in Canada or elsewhere? - Yes/No
If yes, attach copies of the relevant court documents. - 如果勾选了Yes, 附上相关法庭文件副本。
问题8、Are you a Canadian citizen? - Yes/No - 你是否是加拿大公民?
问题9、List all names you have ever used. - 列出你在入境登陆时使用的所有姓名
- Surname(Family name) - 姓氏
- Given name(s) - 出生名字
- Other name(s) (Middle name, maiden name, alias, initials, etc.) - 其他名字(中间名、婚前名、别名、缩写等)
问题10、Did you enter Canada as a - 是否以下列身份入境加拿大(勾选相应选项,指出你第一次入境加拿大时的移民身份)
- Visitor - 访客
- Student - 学生
- Worker - 劳工
- Permanent Resident - 永久居民
- Protected Person - 受保护人士
注意:如果问题2/问题3都不记得了, 留白, 在问题5一并说明即可
Part C - 如果在1973年以前以永久居民身份入境加拿大,填写这个部分。否则每个栏位都填上N/A即可
问题1、Provide the full names and date of birth of the person(s) who accompanied you on arrival in Canada. (e.g., middle name, maiden name, English name or alias.) - 提供与你一同抵达加拿大的所有人的全名和出生日期。(例如,中间名、婚前名、英文名、别名等)。包括你的父母、子女、配偶或其他亲属。
- Surname(Family name) - 姓氏
- Given name(s) - 出生名
- Other name(s) (Middle name, maiden name, alias, initials, etc.) - 其他名字(中间名、婚前名、别名、缩写等)
- Date of birth YYYY-MM-DD - 出生日期(年-月-日)
问题2、Where either of your parents born Canadian citizen? - Yes/No - 你的父母是否出生时就是加拿大公民?
问题3、What are the names and dates of birth of your parents? - 你父母的姓名和出生日期?
- Surname(Family name) - 姓氏
- Given name(s) - 出生名
- Other name(s) (Middle name, maiden name, alias, initials, etc.) - 其他名字(中间名、婚前名、别名、缩写等)
- Date of birth YYYY-MM-DD - 出生日期(年-月-日)
问题4、What is/was the occupation of each of your parents? - 你父母的职业?(列出你入境加拿大时自己父母的职业。如果不适用,填写N/A,不要留空)
- Mother's occupation - 母亲的职业
- Father's occupation - 父亲的职业
问题5、Had you or your parents ever been part of any military at the time you entered Canada? - Yes/No - 你入境加拿大时,自己或自己的父母是否曾经是任何军队的一员?
I solemnly declare that the inoformation I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate. I authorize the department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada to verify the information I have provided. If I am requesting a replacement document and should I ever regain possession of the original document, I promise to return it immediately to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
- 我郑重声明,我提供的信息,据我所知,是完整和准确的。我授权加拿大公民和移民部核实我所提供的信息。如果我要求替换文件并且如果我重新获得了原始文件,我保证立即将其退回加拿大公民和移民部。
Signature - 签名
Date(YYYY-MM-DD) - 日期(年-月-日)
Ensure the following documents are included with your application. Check each box once you enclose the item. Failure to provide a fully completed application or the necessary documents will result in the return of your application. Please make sure you complete this document and include it with your application as the cover page. Submit photocopies of documents unless we ask for originals as they will not be returned to you.
- Original application form Verification of Status(VOS) or Replacement of an Immigration Document(IMM 5009) completed and signd. - 移民文件身份确认或替换申请表原件(IMM5009)已完成并签字
- Photocopy of one piece of federal or provincial/territorial government issued photo identification OR if unavailable, photocopy of government issued photo identification from outside Canada.(See "Gather Documents" section in the Instruction guide for examples.) - 一份由联邦或省/地区政府签发的带照片的身份证明文件复印件(可参考申请指南中的"Gather Document"部分说明)
- Photocopy of another form of identification issued by the federal of provincial/territorial government of Canada or if unavailable, a photocopy of government issued identification from outside Canada.(See "Gather Documents" section in the Istruction guide for examples.) - 另一种由联邦或省/地区政府签发的身份证明复印件,或者,如果没有,提供由加拿大境外政府签发的身份证明文件复印件(可参考申请指南中的"Gather Document"部分说明)
- Photocopy of court documents if you have been convicted of a crime since becoming a permanent resident(if you are not a Canadian citizen). - 如果你自成为加拿大永久居民之后(如果你不是加拿大公民)被判有罪,提供法庭文件复印件。
- Copy of the fee receipt showing the amount paid.(See "Pay the Fees" section in the Instruction guide for the correct VoS fee) - 显示付费金额的付费收据副本(可参考申请指南中"Pay the Fees"部分)
- Original Use of a Representative(IMM5476) form completed and signed, if applicable. - 如果适用,提供代理人信息表(IMM5476)原件,填写并在上面签字。
- Proof of urgency, if applicable. - 加急办理证明材料,如果适用(参考申请指南的"Urgent applications"部分)
费用直接透过线上缴费, 一开始选择”Other Service”, 下一页就会看到VOS选项, 一份$30
下面是IRCC提到可以申请急件的状况, 基本上就是火烧眉毛才行, 而且都需要提供详细的第三方证明才有机会真正被当作急件处理
In certain circumstances, you may qualify for urgent processing. If you meet one of the criteria outlined below, you must clearly mark “URGENT” on your mailing envelope and must submit sufficient proof why urgent processing is required. If you do not meet the criteria below, your application will be placed in the regular processing queue.
The criteria for urgent processing are as follow:
- You are applying for your pension and have received a notice from Service Canada advising that your file will be closed if you do not provide proof of your immigration information (Note: If you did not receive this notice, you cannot request urgent processing under this criteria).
You must include a copy of your letter from Service Canada as proof.
你正在申请年金, Service Canada已经下最后通牒了, 就可以拿Service Canada的信请IRCC速速处理
- You need to travel because of a death or serious illness in the family and require proof of your immigration information in order to obtain a travel document.
You must include proof of death or serious illness (example: a note from the attending physician).
你有Family Emergency需要VOS来申办旅行文件
- You face immediate loss of employment or loss of an employment opportunity because you are not in possession of proof of your immigration information.
Include an original letter from the employer.
你需要证明你在加拿大具有合法的身份, 否则可能会拿不到Offer或是失去工作
In each of the above circumstances, you must provide:
- The document(s) related to your situation (see above);
- a copy of your expired travel document, and
- a list of documentary requirements to obtain your travel document (example: a checklist for a passport application for another country).
我相信还有其他IRCC认可的急件申请理由, 只要你真的很紧急, 就要详细跟IRCC解释
在加拿大, 不要用邮局服务邮寄任何IRCC的申请书, 你不知道邮局工人什么时候罢工。要用私人快递, 所以记得是寄到下列地址, 如果是急件, 记得要在信封上注明"URGENT"!
Operations Support Centre
Verification of Status Section
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1
IRCC针对VOS的处理标准是……6个月!但是有朋友申请VOS, 送出到收到VOS的email约1个月, 给你参考。
VOS跟COPR其实非常相像, 但它直接用浮水印清楚地标示出来VOS不能当作旅行文件. 只是用来证明你在加拿大的immigration status
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